
Targeted Treatment for all eating disorders in average and high weight individuals

We offer in-person and teletherapy online – weekends and weekdays.

  • Therapy for Children, Adolescents, and Adults
  • Therapeutic Support for Parents

GLP-1s: We deliver health behavior/lifestyle treatment that is the first line of treatment with or without GLP-1s (Ozempic et al).

Having participated in the design of several of the industry standards for Eating Disorder Screening, we are known for our guidance to pediatricians on how to screen for eating disorders and talk with families about eating issues.

The MTK practice specializes in the intersection of social-emotional factors, eating behaviors, and weight.

Our mission:
We guide teens and parents in understanding the behavioral, emotional, and social issues, and family history contributions that may lead to eating and weight disorders.

Our goal:
We pursue early intervention to target and reduce the unique issues that can cause challenges with eating and weight.

What Doctors, Therapists, and Scientists know…

Eating disorders and high weight are highly treatment-resistant. By contrast, both conditions are much more responsive to prevention than treatment.

In other words, helping children and adolescents when they first begin to show very early signs of disordered eating or unhealthy weight gain is much more effective than delaying until a serious eating disorder, or health problem has emerged. Unfortunately, most families are not encouraged to engage in prevention, but rather defer until a full disorder or condition has developed. Importantly, many of the early signs of eating disorders and high weight are the same, and the two conditions often co-occur. However, these early signs are not typically assessed.

No two people are the same.

Eating and weight disorders develop as a result of many different reasons. The treatment resistant nature of high weight often overpowers “one size fits all” approaches.

Did you know?


Over 30% of pre-adolescents and adolescents have high weight


At least 25% of all youth report early symptoms of eating disorders, half of whom may develop a full-syndrome eating disorder


Nearly 50% of individuals presenting for weight management have disordered eating, yet go undetected

MTK is a Resource for Specialist Approaches for the Treatment and Prevention of Eating Disorders and Unhealthful Weight.

Providers often seek our guidance in diagnosis and recommendations for early intervention possibilities.

We work closely with medical and psychological practices to help families identify issues and work towards solutions.

Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter to get updates on the latest research on Pediatric Disordered Eating and High Weight

© Copyright 2022 Marian Tanofsky-Kraff Psychology PLLC. All Rights Reserved.

Let's talk.

Or, please call our office line at (917) 423-6701