Diagnostic Assessments and Targeted Therapy for Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Eating and Weight Disorders

Even when presented with early signs of disordered eating or rapid weight gain, most families wait until the problem has grown when treatment can be more resistant.

Parents need guidance with early intervention. A thorough evaluation is a major step to identifying pathways for prevention and treatment.

Diagnostic Assessments and Targeted Therapy for Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Eating and Weight Disorders

Even when presented with early signs of disordered eating or rapid weight gain, most families wait until the problem has grown when treatment can be more resistant.

Parents need guidance with early intervention. A thorough evaluation is a major step to identifying pathways for prevention and treatment.

As referenced in:

Our Program:

MTK provides Therapy and Assessments to help better understand why youth are experiencing a challenge. Our recommendations are individually designed to help your child and your family.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Pre-adolescent Children, Adolescents and Young Adults

We aim to prevent eating disorders and unhealthful weight gain, and give hope and direction to parents and children.
We believe it is important for you to understand that…  
Eating and weight concerns are rarely the result of a lack of willpower or self-discipline.

In fact, these conditions are often caused by a complex interplay of biology and environment that drive body size, emotions, behavior, and thinking. In some circumstances, these concerns are caused by an existing medical condition that requires treatment.

There are many professionals in this space.
What sets us apart is our unique, holistic approach.
MTK harnesses wider prevention and treatment possibilities.

Contact Us

MTK is a Resource for Specialist Approaches for the Treatment and Prevention of Eating Disorders and Unhealthful Weight.

Providers often seek our guidance in diagnosis and recommendations for early intervention possibilities.

We work closely with medical and psychological practices to help families identify issues and work towards solutions.

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Let's talk.

Or, please call our office line at (917) 423-6701