The Assessment

Each Assessment is tailored to the individual circumstances of your adolescent.

We thoroughly assess the numerous psychological and behavioral factors related to eating and weight. Along with an understanding of familial and medical health, we will help develop a roadmap for early intervention.

We will help identify the appropriate referrals for you and your child. For example, those who have very early signs of eating or weight challenges may only need to work briefly with one type of professional - a psychotherapist, for example. Others may first need to work with a psychologist, and then a dietician, and the journey to better health may take longer. In some cases, evaluation by an endocrinologist or a gynecologist may be warranted. If indicated, we can offer individualized therapy with our team.

An Assessment calls for an active collaboration with the adolescent and their family. Your Assessment report and action plan may include referrals to: Physicians such as endocrinologists or gynecologists, psychiatrists, or professionals such as psychologists, trauma therapists, neuropsychologists, dieticians, physical fitness trainers, and other specialists, as needed.

Your Assessment will identify whether psychological or physical conditions are present, and if so, whether they suggest an aggressive or conservative treatment plan.

Once your Assessment is complete, we will create a blueprint plan to guide you in finding the right type of professionals and ongoing treatment options to help you and your child on the journey towards better health.

Let's Start

MTK is a Resource for Specialist Approaches for the Treatment and Prevention of Eating Disorders and Unhealthful Weight.

Providers often seek our guidance in diagnosis and recommendations for early intervention possibilities.

We work closely with medical and psychological practices to help families identify issues and work towards solutions.

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